Tuesday, November 23, 2010

An Experiment With 5 Fingers

After doing a bit of on-line research, I decided to buy a pair of Vibram Five Fingers shoes. They cost approximately $85 and I had to drive to Reyer's in Sharon to find them. They are available on-line (www.vibramfivefingers.com) but given their unique shape and sizing I wanted to try them on before purchase.

I tried them out for about a half mile at first, to get a feel. Then, I wore them all day Sunday to see how they'd hold up as a daily wear shoe. Once you get over the initial awkwardness of putting them on and walking around a bit they are quite comfortable. Yesterday, I went for a 2 mile run. They felt great on the gravel trail at Pearson Park but I got blisters on my arches and a few toes. Well worth it in my opinion. I tend to trod heel to toe, rolling across the full length of my foot. The 5 Fingers make that feel awkward, which forced me to put more emphasis on the balls of my feet and toes.

Long story short, I'm a fan thus far. (Though some better color options would be nice.) 

1 comment:

  1. so you went for it! i just don't think i could do it. i love me some shoes. have you done more running in them yet?
